WARNING: Due to extremely high demand, there is limited supply of Res-Q 1250 in stock as of .

The Most Effective

Highly Purified Fish Oil

For Healthy Heart + Joint + Body

Superior Concentration of EPA & DHA

A favorite of satisfied customers, Res-Q 1250 has more omega-3s in a single softgel capsule than almost every other brand. This is directly related to the results you will see and feel.

  • Supports Healthy Blood Pressure
  • Balances Inflammatory Response
  • Promotes Joint Mobility & Flexibility
  • Encourages Improved Mood

Internet Exclusive Offer
Available to U.S. Residents Only

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25 people bought this in the last hour!

#1 Best Seller for 30 years       2.5 million bottles sold

Real People. Real Results.

This is what satisfied customers have to say about Res-Q 1250.

- Judy

I have been taking Res-Q 1250 for at least six months. I was feeling stiff after sitting for less than an hour, so I decided to give 1250 a shot. I no longer have to stand and wait for my muscles to get going. Glad I tried this!

- Donna

The fish oil is really helping me with my cholesterol dropping from 245 to 199. It is a little expensive but is a good quality and it works.

- Tootie

My mother's carotid had a 75% blockage. Her vascular surgeon asked me to put her on Res-Q 1250 and within 3 months, her blockage was down to 40%. This stuff is lifesaving!

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.


The only fish oil trusted for nearly 40 years.

If you don’t know the benefits of fish oil or have just been curious, it’s time you learn the difference they can make in your life. Omega-3s are essential fatty acids crucial for maintaining good health, but unlike other fats, the body can’t make them, which makes supplementation vital. Res-Q 1250 provides pure omega-3s that have a powerful impact on your health.

Res-Q 1250 delivers head-to-toe health benefits, improving many
aspects of your health, including:

  • Heart Health
  • Joint Pain
  • Circulation
  • Memory
  • Sleep Quality
  • Mood

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

Benefits of Res-Q 1250

Here’s why you want to take it again.

As a leader in the omega-3 market for more than 30 years, we continually research
all of the ways omega-3s can help you live your healthiest life.

  • Improves Heart Disease Risk

    Supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar and triglycerides

  • Helps Alleviate Joint Pain

    Research shows omega-3s help with joint tenderness & stiffness

  • Balances Inflammatory Response

    EPA and DHA are proven to help reduce systemic inflammation

  • Promotes Healthy Circulation

    Helps maintain clear arteries, thereby supporting circulation

  • Supports Brain, Eye & Immune Health

    DHA is crucial for brain and eye health; EPA promotes immune health

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

The Science Behind

This premium product is formulated for results.

Res-Q 1250 is an ethyl ester form of omega-3. Because the health benefits of fish oil are directly related to the amount of EPA and DHA, natural triglyceride fish oil can undergo a process called transesterification to increase the amount of these fatty acids. During this process, an ethanol molecule is attached to the naturally-occurring DHA and EPA molecules, creating ethyl esters. These ethyl esters can then be distilled to create fish oil with a very high amount of both EPA and DHA. Much of the research on fish oil has been done on the ethyl ester form.

People who want the health benefits of EPA and DHA—but who want to
take a smaller dose to get the same amount—often prefer ethyl ester fish
oils. Res-Q 1250 undergoes an extensive purification process to ensure
purity and safety.

  • Product
    of Norway
  • Goed Omega-3
  • GMP Registered
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Caffeine Free
  • Non

Take 3 capsules once or twice daily

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

Why Choose Res-Q 1250

The difference in quality and dosage absolutely matters
when it comes to results.

This superior product is guaranteed to make a difference in your health or your
money back.

  • Highly Concentrated

    Contains more eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) than almost every other brand

  • Effective Dosage

    We recommend dosages that are high enough to warrant noticeable results. You will feel the difference.

  • Super Refined

    Certified to be free of hundreds of environmental toxins, including heavy metals often associated with fish oil

  • No Fish Taste

    Guaranteed to be fresh with no fishy smell, taste or aftertaste. We use an antioxidant blend to maintain freshness.

Friend of the Sea certified, a seal of approval for sustainable,
environmentally-responsible fishing practices

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

Powerful ingredients of Res-q

This blend of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants is
formulated for success.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

EPA ( Eicosapentaenoic Acid )

EPA is a significant omega-3 fatty acid backed by scientific research and offers health benefits for your entire body, especially your heart and joints.

  • EPA is known to help reduce chronic
  • Adequate EPA levels are linked to improved heart and joint health.
  • Low EPA levels have been reported to contribute to depression.

Antioxidant Blend

A special antioxidant blend maintains freshness and
premium quality.

DHA ( Docosahexaenoic Acid )

DHA is another important omega-3 fatty
acid with a lot of clinical studies to back it.
DHA is particularly important for brain and
eye health.

  • DHA is an essential component of the eyes'
    photo receptors.
  • Adequate DHA levels are linked to
    improved cognition.
  • Children require DHA for growth and development.
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Mixed Tocopherols

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

Real Customers. Real Results.

Come back to Res-Q 1250 and feel the difference it makes.

- Terry

I have been taking Res-Q 1250 for several years now, and it was the only thing that brought my cholesterol level down. I was on a high dosage of one of the medications my doctor prescribed, but it wasn't helping. She was impressed with the outcome after I started Res-Q 1250 and suggested I keep taking it. It still keeps my level down.

– Kathleen

My husband and I have been taking Res-Q 1250 for more than 20 years. We have had wonderful results which include great anti-inflammatory properties, lower triglycerides and help with cholesterol levels. I think this is a superior product compared to others on the market and would recommend it highly to anyone who cares about their health and wellbeing.

- Gene

I have been a long term user of Res-Q 1250 and I plan to continue to use the product because of the quality and price. Quality is my first concern since that is where it all begins. Best of all is the no fishy taste! Customer service also gets an excellent rating. They respond quickly and satisfy any question that I raise.


– Judy

I have been taking Res-Q 1250 for at least six months. I was feeling stiff after sitting for less than an hour, so I decided to give 1250 a shot. I no longer have to stand and wait for my muscles to get going. Glad I tried this!

– Donna

The fish oil is really helping me with my cholesterol dropping from 245 to 199. It is a little expensive but is a good quality and it works.

– Tootie

My mother's carotid had a 75% blockage. Her vascular surgeon asked me to put her on Res-Q 1250 and within 3 months, her blockage was down to 40%. This stuff is lifesaving!

– Thomas

I do not let a day go by without taking my 6 capsules in the morning because this product works. I have been using Res-Q 1250 for at least 10 years and I am sure that this product is responsible for keeping my numbers in line.

– Donna

My triglycerides are at an all-time low, yeah! I have an increased feeling of wellbeing, and my joint pains and muscle aches are very decreased. Res-Q 1250 is a great product at a great value – and you get results.

- Andrew

I've been taking Res-Q 1250 religiously for over three years. I used to experience atrial fibrillation a few times a week. I doubt if I've noticed it occur 10 times since I've been on the Res-Q 1250. My grandmother died of a stroke when she was 41, so needless to say, it is a pretty big concern for me. You just plain feel better when you take it. You really notice the difference if you go one day without it. I'm hooked!

Are You Ready to Feel Your Best?

Feel the difference Res-Q 1250 will make in your life.

The Most Effective

Highly Purified Fish Oil

For Healthy Heart + Joint + Body

Superior Concentration of EPA & DHA

A favorite of satisfied customers, Res-Q 1250 has more omega-3s in a single softgel capsule than almost every other brand. This is directly related to the results you will see and feel.

  • Supports Healthy Blood Pressure
  • Balances Inflammatory Response
  • Promotes Joint Mobility & Flexibility
  • Encourages Improved Mood